Sunday, December 16, 2007

November 4, 2007

To Friends and Family,

When I was in the eighth grade my Dad took me on a Book of Hope mission trip to Russia. This experience gave me the opportunity to share the faith I was just beginning to understand myself. It was a catalyst in the growth of my own faith and began to cultivate a heart for missions in this world. My mission experiences exposed me to the poverty and abuses that occur in this world. These experiences developed in me a passion for not only taking care of people’s spiritual condition, but also their physical condition. It is this dual passion that led me to go through the missionary associate application process, so that I can work with a Christian humanitarian organization called Convoy of Hope.

Convoy of Hope “mobilizes resources and trains churches and other groups to conduct community outreaches, responds to disasters and directs other compassion initiatives in the United States and around the world” ( They also provide disaster relief, build supply lines and sponsor outreaches to the poor and hurting. As a missionary associate I will be working with the internship program at Convoy of Hope. These intern teams are designed to be part mission trip, part discipleship and humanitarian program. The purpose of these intern teams are “to facilitate passionate individuals on their journeys to carry hope to the world’s poor and hurting through the setting, resources and mission opportunities of Convoy of Hope” ( During my two years with Convoy of Hope, I will be trained to help lead and organize these teams. Through this ministry I will be able to put into action the passion that the Lord has cultivated in my heart for meeting people’s spiritual and physical needs. I will also be given the opportunity to invest, train and lead others with a similar passion.

This journey to Convoy of Hope is one of faith. I cannot get to Convoy of Hope by my own means. I need the financial and prayer support of His Church, friends and families. I need prayer that both my monthly and cash support are raised, for protection in travels, and for wisdom and discernment. Financially I need to raise $2,167.00 in monthly commitments and $3,352.00 dollars in cash. It is not until these funds are raised that I can go and pursue the passion God has placed in my heart. Please consider supporting me in this endeavor with a monthly commitment of $25.00 and a one-time donation of $50.00.

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. May you live in the love of Christ and be blessed.

Claire Balch

Claire Balch

Details Regarding Monthly Commitments and One Time Gifts

Please send monthly commitment forms and one-time donations to:

Assemblies of God World Missions
1445 N. Boonville Ave.
Springfield, MO 65802-1894

Make Checks Payable to Assemblies of God World Missions

Make Sure to put my name, Claire Balch, and my account number, 2945624, on the check.

I have made an initial commitment of two years with Convoy of Hope

You will receive a tax-deductible receipt from Assemblies of God World Missions for your commitment and/or one time donation.

There are no reminders for those who are making monthly commitments. If you would like a reminder each month or would like to get a monthly update from me please email me.

If you have any questions or just want an update:

My email is
My blog is

The following breakdowns provides a picture of what it will take to reach $2,167.00 in monthly commitments:

4 - $500 monthly commitments
22 - $100 monthly commitments
44 - $50 monthly commitments
87 - $25 monthly commitments