Thursday, August 28, 2008

Off to Missouri

I wanted to blog sooner, but I left my laptop charger in California. I was bummed. There was lot I wanted to keep you updated on during my journey to Missouri. Now most of it has passed. Nevertheless I will let you know it was a relatively uneventful trip from the west coast to the mid west. Sarah and I managed just fine putting in two long days and one short day. The short day ended up longer than originally planned and included a detour through a section of Oklahoma. Of course what else are plans made for, but to change them? We pulled into Springfield, Mo on Sunday. Sarah moved into Evangel and the next day I moved into the intern housing.

Moving into intern housing was something else. I spent most of the first day cleaning my room and killing spiders. I hate spiders. I ended up in a war with a large hairy one. It ended in a draw. It might tell you it won because the bag still remains outside of my room and the spider's location is unknown. It is rather ridiculous. I have spent the last few days moving in and making my room home. I like it. The house is old and it is funny because it has these quirks like kicking the bottom of the refrigerator to make it close and I can't even get the front door open from the inside or outside. It has character and I like it. Character is good.

Today was my first full day of work. I helped load a container for Armenia. It was interesting to see how that happens. There is a semi-truck, a loading dock, a loading station, a fork lift and lots of paperwork involved in this process. It was a good start to hopefully a good two years. I did odds and ends for preparing for the upcoming intern session. The interns will arrive on September 4th and we will leave for Moldova on September 22nd. After Moldova we will head to Armenia. Keep us in our prayers.

In the next few days I will be posting a blog about each country and what you can pray for in regards to each country. I all of a sudden feel very excited. In the midst of this excitement I will ask for your prayers that God will give me all the strength, wisdom, and discernment that I will need for the task ahead.

I have included some pictures below of the trip =).

Somewhere in New Mexico

A Big Bug found on the wall of my house.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

I Am Packing my Bags and Leaving in a Ford Taurus

August 2008

Hello Friends and Family,

At last the time has come for me to pack up my bags and head out to Springfield, Missouri. I will begin my time with Convoy of Hope at the end of August.

I am excited to begin this journey that God has in store for me. I want to thank each and every one of you for your prayers and financial support. Now that I am going to begin my commitment with Convoy of Hope I will need your support more than ever. Please pray for traveling mercies and that the rest of the support I need to be able to leave in August is raised. This also means that for those of you who have partnered with me by making a monthly commitment will need to begin sending your monthly commitment come September.

My first assignment with Convoy of Hope will be with the Fall 2008 Intern Team. This team will be heading out over the Atlantic Ocean to Armenia and Moldova. In Armenia we will build water filters in a Kurdish village, help in orphanages, and distribute food and firewood in villages. In Moldova we will have outreaches, distribute food, help Teen Challenge, and celebrate twenty years of evangelism with a Moldovan church. I will be updating my blog ( with stories from the field. I encourage you to take a few minutes every now and then and to take a look at my blog.

As I end this letter I want to end with the Apostle Paul's words "Be cheerful. Keep things in good repair. Keep your spirits up. Think in harmony. Be agreeable. Do all that, and the God of love and peace will be with you for sure. Greet one another with a holy embrace…The amazing grace of the Master, Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, this intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit, be with all of you." (2 Corinthians 13:11-14)

Live in Christ Love.

Claire Balch

Missionary Associate

Convoy of Hope

I am off to Springfield, Missouri!