Saturday, February 12, 2011

Last Post

Hi -

As my Convoy of Hope chapter in my life has closed I have decided to stop posting on this blog and have created a new one.  The new address is There are no postings on it yet because it took me all morning to think of name and to set it up  =)

Friday, January 28, 2011


It has been months.  You can call it adjusting back to so called "normal living", call it planning a wedding, for at least a couple months call it training for a half marathon (though for the latter half exercise also went by the wayside), call it commuting, call it adjusting to married life, back to working full time or another million of things that seem to keep life busy and full, though maybe it is really because it is no longer part of my job description.  However, Derek has started his second semester of graduate school and I find that I have a few nights and a Saturday morning were it is just me.  This seems to be the perfect time to begin blogging again.

The truth is I always enjoyed the couple hours a week I was able to hide in a coffee shop, close my office door or find somewhere else to sneak off and read my Bible or think about an experience I had and turn it into a blog entry.  It was as much for informing my supporters about life with Convoy as it was a way for me to process my thoughts, reading and events in my life.  For most of my life I have kept a journal.  A blog was just an extension of this habit.  I have found I miss blogging. So, I decided that I must begin again whether anyone ever reads it or not.   

However, I did not start blogging tonight to go on and on about my deep love and devotion for blogging.  I read a verse in Psalm 103 that I do not remember reading before this evening.  I loved the way it was expressed in the message version:

"He forgives your sins -every one
He heals your diseases - every one
He redeems you from hell - saves your life!
He crowns you with love and mercy - a paradise crown
He wraps you in goodness - beauty eternal
He renews your youth - you're always young in his presence"  

What promises our Lord makes to us!  He forgives us, loves us, offers us mercy, He wraps up in His goodness, heals us and renews us.  The joy of the Lord brings such renewal to the mind and spirit.  Those moments with God can bring strength when we need it most.  So, many times in my moments with God I will fill such a joy in my heart and soul that I feel childlike in His presence.  I remember snowboarding in Colorado and just sitting there by myself in complete awe of the mountains, snow and trees.  At the end of my time sitting there and taking it all in I would be smiling probably looking like a fool, but who cared.  I was snowboarding in God's beautiful creation.  I was soaking it in, living it up and letting God renew my spirit.  I was being young in His presence! 

Life is not always easy and many of us will experience great sorrow and sadness, but in the midst of it or despite of it we can find moments with the Lord.   We can experience moments of joy, strength and renewal.  The promises in these verses are blessings from our Heavenly Father.  They are blessings to mediate on and think upon.  I encourage you (whoever that might be) to remember these promises of the Lord.  I encourage to take some time from the craziness of your life and to be crowned with God's mercy and love, wrapped in His goodness and to be young in His presence! 

*Photos from google image search for coffee, Colorado and renewal respectively