In the meantime I have some prayer request:
1. That I will be able to continue to work on raising my support, while so far from my support base and also a general prayer that my support will be raised. I ask that each one of you that reads this will prayerfully consider supporting me financially. If God says No then leave it be, but if he says Yes then ask him in which way and how much. Thank you for taking the time to pray about supporting me!
2. For protection, wisdom and discernment - both for the work I will be doing with Convoy and for me right now in this new place. I am learning as I go along in Denver and in a position I have never been in, so I need all the prayer I can get.
3. I will be in Denver until the end of March, so pray that I can connect with one of the churches here and create some friendships, so that I don't get too isolated.
If there is anything that you need prayer for please let me know. In one of the books I read about raising support called Friend Raising the importance of interdependency was impressed on me. I am dependent on others for prayer and financial support and my supporters can depend on me to pray for their needs and to keep them updated on life out in the mission field.
In my next update I will have some figures regarding where I am at in raising support.
Until Then Live in His Love and Be Blessed
I have included some pictures of Colorado. The first one is of my rental car and I and the second one is of me in my work clothes. It has been very cold here and there has been some snow. It should warm up this week!