Tuesday, July 27, 2010

The End...Sort Of

I flew back to the States on Thursday.  It was a long day of flying - I woke up at four in the morning and did not arrive in Springfield until ten o'clock that evening.  Thankfully I am use to delayed flights and they hardly bother me anymore...though a delayed flight tomorrow might get under my skin a bit - I am quite eager to be in California again, even if we do have a fly on our endangered species list and 21 of the counties have an unemployment rate of 15%....Just hope Santa Cruz and Santa Clara counties aren't one of those counties!

My term comes to a close today.  The last couple months in Nicaragua were a great way to finish it off.  I ended my last week there presenting and training on entering and analysing nutrition data.  Since, I was only there for a few months it was really important to me that all the work I did was taught and learned by people that live and work there every day.   During my last few days there, work began on the Convoy of Hope warehouse.  The very base was built when I got there, but the funds came through, while I was there to continue the building.  This will allow for the expansion and growth of the program.  Currently, the food is stored in the first floor of the LACC Building, which really isn't meant for the storage of goods.  Also, Nicaragua like other Latin countries is prone to earthquakes and flooding. The warehouse will allow for more food to be on hand when a natural disaster strikes.  It was cool to see the first stages of this warehouse and see it come to life. 

As for my future plans, some is unknown and some is known.  Derek and I are getting married in December and he will begin grad school in the fall at Western Seminary.  He will be studying Marriage and Family Therapy as well as Addiction Studies.  I will be looking for a job and trying to figure out what direction to go in that area. I am waiting tell I get home to do any serious job searching.  This is an exciting time, but a time of many changes for me.  I am stepping into a lot of unknowns, which can be a bit intimidating, but I serve a God who knows all.  As I end my time you can pray for guidance and direction, and for safety on my travels home.

Thank you for your prayers and supports over the last couple years!  They are and were much appreciated.  There is no way to properly thank you for the sacrifice you have made in terms of time in prayer and financial support given!  I pray that God blesses you and your families abundantly.

Also, the blog is not going away.  It was one of my favorite parts of these two years.  Writing my thoughts, adventures and sharing about God have been a great pleasure, so it will continue.  It might start to look more ecletic with having more freedom to delve into a few more topics, and I have this idea to try and review every flavor at Marianne's Ice Cream, as well as continue to write my musings on life and God.  Hope you continue to check in once in awhile! 

"And that's about it, friends. Be cheerful. Keep things in good repair. Keep your spirits up. Think in harmony. Be agreeable. Do all that, and the God of love and peace will be with you for sure. Greet one another with a holy embrace. All the brothers and sisters here say hello. The amazing grace of the Master, Jesus Christ, the extravagant love of God, the intimate friendship of the Holy Spirit, be with all of you." 2nd Corinthians 13:11-14

Monday, July 5, 2010

State of the Heart #1

For the last few months I've been contemplating on this word we like to use in church called "calling".  I think often this word is translated into our lives as "doing".  Calling becomes this thing that some Christians become obessed with - saying "I'm looking for my calling", "I'm not sure I'm called to do that"or asking "What is your calling?". Christians fret and worry, so much about this word "calling".  I too have gotten caught up in this at times. 

There are even Christian kids in college who will change universities three times or change majors five times all saying that God called them to change everytime (now I know God does ask us to make life changes and only that person can ultimately stand responsible to God, but also I don't think God is not a God of disorder and 5 majors in 4 years is a bit disorderly....).  The Church (at least the United States church) gets hung up on this word "calling".  It becomes about what you "do".  Not that God doesn't give us certain passions or doesn't ask us to make certain career choices, ultimately though I believe that God cares more about how you live than what you do.

Christ would rather have a hard working, honest, God listening, kind, business man than a pastor who uses his position to empower himself, and is mean and angry (and in the meantime turns people off to God).  God wants us to live in a way that represents him.  He wants his followers to first love HIM and then love their neighbor.  I think it time for the church to take the pressure of this word "calling" and instead encourage the members to live lifes that represent Christ.  As Christians we shouldn't fret and worry, but instead have faith, trust and hope.  In saying this I am not saying that we should ignore God in our career choices, God should always be the first in our decision making. I am saying that maybe God cares more about the state of your heart than your career choice. 

My first try ever at homemade tortillas.  Masa, water and a little salt.  They don't look too pretty, but they taste good, though not quite the same.  I think a tortilla press might make the job a little easier, I don't know how they make tortillas perfectly round just using their hands!  Lots of practice I suppose =).  One thing I have done alot here is practice making foods from region.  I made beans from the grain, cooked yuca, fried a ripe plantain (my next project is cooking a green plantain) and so forth.