I am drinking Peppermint Tea and Eating Girl Scouts cookies - from Claire's Hotel Kitchen Cafe. If your in Denver, CO stop by and I will serve you some =).
First is my first support progress update:
Raised in Monthly Commitments: $825.00 or 38.77 percent
Left to Raise: 1303.00 or 61.23%
Raised in Cash Commitment: $495 or 14.77 percent
Left to Raise: $2857 or 85.23 percent
I still have a way to go. I encourage you if you are planning to give to give soon. If you look at the right of the screen I have some ways you can give online. The sooner my support is turned in the sooner I am able to begin with Convoy of Hope! Second if you haven't prayed about supporting me I ask that you will pray about it. As I have stated before if God says No then leave it at that - but please still support me with your prayers! If he says Yes than ask him how you should support me. For all of you who have supported me thus far I give you a big THANK YOU!!!!
Second is Some Thoughts -
I went to a new church today. Actually every Sunday I have been going to a new church. Its funny because when I moved to Orange County for college four or so years ago almost immediately I decided that Rock Harbor was the church that I would call home for my college years. It just clicked. In Englewood it has been more difficult. I have enjoyed almost every church service I have gone too, but there has been no instant clicking. This could be that during college that my friends all attended church with me, so I had instant community or fellowship at church. Now I am looking not only for a church service, but a community, a place where I fit and this takes longer. It also takes intentionality not only on my part but also the Congregation of the church I choose to attend.
I remembered today that the wonderful thing about God is that there are so many different ways to worship and honor him. I serve a God that can be worshipped through rock music, hymns, silence, serving others, and so many other ways. Each congregation is unique. Even though each Christian and Congregation is unique God can be (and is) exalted and praised. Through Christ all Christians have a common bond no matter how different we may appear. As imperfect people we often allow these differences to come between us and create tension instead of letting the common bond of Christ bring us closer and unite us.
This whole exploring churches has made me examine how I treat church visitors. I realized how important it is to be intentional and step out of my comfort zone to make someone feel welcomed and more comfortable. I have some personality traits such as quietness and shyness that will make (and have made) this more difficult for me than for other people, but not impossible. It is important to stop and talk to people especially visitors and to welcome them into the church. Lay members of a church often see this as a pastors responsibility, but really it is the whole congregations responsibility to take care of not only each other, but those who are new and visiting. It is the people who attend the church that make up the congregation and support the church. The lay people are crucial to the failure or success of a church.
I was going to write some reflections from the sermon I heard today because it was relevant to life, but I think I will jot down some notes and save it for some future blogging material. :) Oh The Suspense...
Leave a Comment or Write me an Email. I love hearing from everyone.
Live in His Love and Be Blessed!
Claire Balch
You're in my prayers! I hope everything works out with the fundraising... I wish I could do more to help! Take care and stay warm!
Hi Claire!
What a good reminder for me: I need to treat guests at our church as if they were my niece, far away from home. You made me hungry for girlscout cookies! Love you! Aunt Karolyn
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