Friday, January 9, 2009

I have arrived...

I just wanted to let you all know that I arrived in Costa Rica safe and sound with all my luggage. I survived the earthquake. It was fairly strong in San Jose, but there is minimal damage in the main city. In the areas near the epicenter there was damage and some deaths. You can be in prayer for these families who lost loved ones. My host family is kind. The know my Grandparents Wilson as well as many Vanguard students. This provides a good connection. While I am not close to the school I think that living with a host family was a good decision. I do not have to worry about meals or laundry and I am more immeresed in Spanish. Yesterday I had my placement interview and exam. The professor made it sound like there is hope for me yet in learning Spanish =) Today I toured the downtown of San Jose. Classes will begin Tuesday! I am excited for what the next few months hold. Pray for my Spanish speaking abilities! I hope all is well with you!


justKarolyn said...

Hi Claire! So glad you survived the earthquake! You leave earth- quake country, to go to another country and experience an earth-quake. But, what a great experience you are having. You are in my prayers. Love you! aunt Karolyn

Anonymous said...

I was thinking about you when I heard about the earthquake. Glad to hear all is well...and of course, I'm JEALOUS! Maybe I'll take the Rosetta Stone classes :)

Juan, Shirley, Ayanna and Ellah said...

Hey Claire! So exciting to hear you are now in Costa Rica! I didn't know there was an earthquake there until I read this. Glad you're safe...and learning Spanish. You will do great I'm sure, being immersed like that. Wow, so much ahead. I hope you have a great beginning in Costa Rica - and in the new year! :) Blessings - Juan, Shirley, Ayanna, and Ellah too~