Friday, May 15, 2009

Springfield, Missouri

I am sitting here on my couch, watching the news and checking emails. I have survived two tornado warnings, so far. These tornadoes are strange things for a California girl. Tomorrow if the rain and thunder do not change anything I am running the Relay for Life 5K. My goal is to not come in last. I am looking forward to this, I think it might be fun.

I have been working in the Convoy office, which is a bit of change from language school. I am learning the other side of Convoy and how things function from behind the scenes. I thought some of you might be curious what work in the office looks like, so here is a mini list of some of the projects I am helping with:

Planning for some of the summer El Salvador teams
Working on translating documents from Spanish to English
Working on finding news information on disasters
Helping put together country summaries
Educating myself on Compassion Ministry and Convoy of Hope
Whatever else I am needed to do

I think this time is good for learning about how the office functions and about how the planning for trips works. I can ask questions and get to know my colleagues. I leave for El Salvador on June 18th.

All the time in the world people are suffering from violence, flooding, starvation and so forth. I want to encourage you to be aware of what is going on in the world. Two countries being wracked by violence are Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Pray for these two countries and the people that live there. Another country that could use prayer is Brazil. They have experienced severe flooding in the normally arid dry northern region as well as flooding in the wetter southern region. Of course there are more countries and people out there, but these are three that I am highlighting. I encourage you to pray for these countries and other countries and situations God puts on your heart.

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