Hello Hello -
I just wanted to check in - let you know that I am alive and survived my five weeks in El Salvador. The real question is "Will I survive Operation Wedding Storm?" After a brief 1.5 day sickness I think I am ready =). The Balch yard has been in construction for several months now in preparation for Sarah Balch's special day. I look out into my backyard and it is a sea of tables draped in chocolate brown with floral centerpieces twisted up the white umbrellas. In the center of it all is a gazebo made of white wood and lights. On Saturday we will be consuming piles of noodles covered in Italian sauces. Afterwards we will feast on cake and treats from the chocolate fountain. The happy couple will dance, throw a garter and a bouquet, and wave goodbye.
Despite the busyness it is nice to be home. It is good to see my family and Derek. I was able to go to CLC on Sunday and ride the Giant Dipper last night. Derek and I went to San Francisco and to a Giants game. I got sick during the game, but it is one of my favorite things to do when I come home. I have eaten at Erik's Deli (twice) and In and Out Burger. I was able to go surfing and probably should surf again before I leave. So, I have been able to do a little bit of this and a little bit of that. I head back to Missouri August 3rd.
To close off here is quote in honor of the upcoming nuptials:
"Love is the lifespring of our existence. The more love you give, the happier you feel and the more love you will have within you to give".-- Susan L. Taylor
Muchas Bendiciones. Many Blessings.
Thursday, July 30, 2009
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Intern Adventures
On Sunday I packed my bags from the lovely Santa Elena Hotel and moved into a hostel with the interns. It was a bit of a change, but included nice walks to the gas station for my morning coffee, a weekend at the beach for rest and relaxation, and ministry in Perulapia.
The interns have been spending one week in different cities in El Salvador. They are going to three cities in total. Each week they do presentation in the same school about physical, emotional and spiritual health and then also have presentations for the parents at the local church. So, myself and my co-worker Bethany have been supporting another co-worker Shannon as she leads the interns.
I made friends with a little boy at the church. I supported his gum habit - I went through my Trident Watermelon flavored gum very quickly this week. It was funny he was always asking me for gum and would ask for gum and then would show me his fingers to show how much he wanted. I also became friends with his aunt, who is 22 and attends the university. I sat down and talked to her for an hour - talk about stretching my Spanish! One of the nice thing about being in a place for a week were the relationships I was able to build.
Then we ended the week off with taking the team of interns to a house on the beach. We weren't quite sure what to expect and when the road turned to dirt and we were in the middle of sugar cane, we really weren't sure what to except. When we arrived at the house it was well worth the adventure of getting there. Beach front property, hammocks, good food, and a swimming pool all for the cost of the hostel! It was great weekend for the morale and health of the team. Now we are ready for the week ahead in San Ramon!
Pray for the interns in San Ramon this week. They have a very full schedule and need lots of energy physically, emotionally and spiritually. Pray for the students in the schools, and the parents at the church. Bethany travels back on Wednesday and I travel back on Thursday. Pray for traveling protection!
Thank you to everyone who is praying for me and for faithful financial support!
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Living by Faith
He spoke about God being our only option. Christ always gives us a choice - he never begs, he never bribes us into his presence. When we have other options he lets us go. He spoke about the cleanliness and tidiness of the churches in the states and how we are missing the desperation for Christ. In the States we so often rely on doctors and finances instead of God. We rely on ourselves, on our government, on the makeup we wear, and so forth. Appearance becomes more important than our faith.
This week the team had the opportunity to visit two homes in an area of El Salvador called Santa Ana. Both of the homes were the size of an average bedroom. One of the houses held ten children plus the parents, and the other, which was smaller, also held the animals. The floors were mud and the water they drank came from the sky and was held in a barrel. There are two seasons in El Salvador, the dry season and the wet season. I can promise you the rain comes right into both of these homes. This is how many people live in these rural communities of El Salvador. We met one woman who had hurt her shoulders and couldn't work. She told my friends that she survived by faith. Day by day God provided for her. They prayed for her and she told us she would be praying for us. I met an old woman and just sat by her and talked to her. She had pain through her body and she lived alone. I prayed for her. She lived by the Faith of God and the goodness of the church. The pastor in that area had a home similar to the ones described above. I can tell you that God provides. I don't believe that God wants anyone of his people to suffer. We might not be rich in the world eyes, but we can be rich in HIM! God will provide.
For those of us in the States - some of us may be hurting financially right now, others of us maybe weathering the financial crisis just fine. Let us Trust in God, to depend on him first and foremost. For those of us who can Let us give with joyful hearts and open hands. For those of us who think we can't, let think of ways we can give or trust God to provide in our sacrifice of giving. Give a hand to your brother and sister in need - whether that person is in California, Missouri, Washington, New York, Nigeria, Kenya, Costa Rica, El Salvador and so forth. Rejoice in God, worship him freely for the blessings he has given you. Let me worship God for the ways he has blessed my life, I thank God for each one of you and your prayers and support, I thank him that no one got sick or hurt on the team this week, I thank him for going with us, before us and behind us!
If you have a chance I encourage you to listen to Rock Harbors pod cast on 6/28/09, "The End of Your Rope" by Mike Errie - I believe it is a challenge to the churches of the United States. To remember to worship God freely and fully. To live lifes full of God - remembering he is our only option - our only God - our savior and our grace!
Friday, July 3, 2009
A Life Giving God!
I am currently reading through Romans. To be honest Romans is a little harder to get through. I also feel the need to read each chapter a couple of time just to grasp part of what Paul is writing. Romans is just jammed pack. I read Chapter 5 today and part of it just really stood out to me. I even put it on my facebook because I just loved the message version, so much. I have written Romans 5:17-19 below:
"If death got the upper hand through one man's wrongdoing, can you imagine the breathtaking recovery life makes, sovereign life, in those who grasp with both hands this wildly extravagant life-gift, this grand setting-everything-right, that the one man Jesus Christ provides?
Here it is in a nutshell: Just as one person did it wrong and got us in all this trouble with sin and death, another person did it right and got us out of it. But more than just getting us out of trouble, he got us into life! One man said no to God and put many people in the wrong; one man said yes to God and put many in the right."
Thank you God for sending your Son - to give us life, for setting things right and for saving us!
Let it be a reminder for us to say "yes" to God and not to say "no". A reminder to follow Christ's example and not deaths!
Live in Christ!
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