Wednesday, January 6, 2010

A Quick Explanation and Choices

Note 1) I know one of the pictures on my Christmas Card may have left you wondering "What is that?".  I almost didn't send them out because of the picture.  It is a picture of a Convoy of Hope bag.  The symbol is two hands.  However, the hands were slightly covered by the front picture. So, unless you knew what the bag looked like, you wouldn't know what it was. Mystery solved. =)  I guess I live and learn. 

Note 2) Pictures are not mine. They are from Yahoo Image Search. 

Tonight I was doing my devotions.  I have been reading Oswald Chambers's Utmost for His Highest.  I like Utmost for His Highest.  It always gives me something to chew on.  Chambers wrotes about how worship to God needs to be fully inetgrated into our lives.  He states that it will take discipline to have this type of worship.  He used a verse in Genesis 12 to help prove his point. Genesis 12 starts with this verse "God told Abram: 'Leave your country, your family, and your father's home for a land that I will show you" (this isn't the verse Chambers uses).  Abram went.  He left his country, family and his father's home.  He took only his wife, possessions, his people and his nephew Lot.  If Abram hadn't been obedient he never would of received what God promised.  His descendants may never had become the nation of Israel. 

After reading the mentioned entry in Utmost for His Highest and Genesis 12 I began to mull over something I had been thinking about earlier today.  Choices.  This life as a Christ Follower is all about choices.  Deciding to following Christ, choosing to make Christ like decisions, having the discipline to put practices like prayer, worship, and mercy into our daily lives, and deciding to do what Christ ask of us (even if it seems crazy).  Take Joseph for example.  He was pledged to be married and his future wife says she is pregant and a virgin.  An angel came in a dream and told him it was allright, so he married Mary.  Later, after Jesus was born another angel came to Joseph.  This angel told him to flee to Egypt because Jesus was in danger.  After they had fled, Herod came and killed every male child in the area.  Imagine if Joseph had been disobedient.

Throughout the Bible and throughout Christian history God is able to use us to show his glory and miracles.  When we are obedient to Christ people are healed, people are saved, and miracles happen.  God doesn't need us, but he sure likes it when we are willing to serve and work for him in this world.  I want to encourage you not to miss out on all that God has for you.  That may mean setting aside an extra ten minutes everyday to worship and praise him.  This may mean asking a friend to come to church on Sunday.  This may mean praying and fasting for someone who needs a miracle.  This may mean letting God heal you of insecurities and finding your confidence in Him.

In my last blog my Dad asked you "What will it cost you?".  This blog is along those veins.  Making the right decison, making the good choice, may not be the easiest choice.  It may cost you something....


Jessika Wilson said...

Gosh, thanks for clearing that up. I was wondering what it was. ;)

Love you Claire Bear!

Claire Balch Barmby said...

Ha! =)